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Fields of action in digital transformations.

Digital transformation:
10 success factors for successful ambidexterity (Exploit vs. Explore)

The trade-off between optimizing the core business and exploring new technologies, business models and markets is always a challenge for managers and employees.

What are the most important factors for success in the area of conflict between “increasing the efficiency of existing” and “exploring new opportunities, technologies and methods”?

There are numerous success factors for dealing with these conflicts of interest and objectives between Exploit and Explore. Depending on the initial situation of an organization, these can vary considerably. We have compiled some of the factors that are particularly relevant to us below.


Culture development: An open and tolerant culture in which the different needs of exploit and explore are transparent and both have their legitimacy.


Clear, cross-departmental prioritization: guardrails that make it possible to make prioritization decisions at different levels of the organization and thus distribute budgets and resources appropriately.


Communication and Collaboration:
Cross-departmental collaboration and communication - even across hierarchies - is crucial to understanding the overarching needs of the organization and thus better classifying the trade-offs between exploit and explore.


Methodological competence:
Understanding of working methods in the different modes. Management tools and operational control in the area of Explore. Agile working methods and design thinking.


Cross-departmental collaboration:
Culture of shared learning and collaboration across departments. This includes interdisciplinary project groups and the establishment of platforms that promote knowledge exchange and communication across departments.


Measuring success:
Definition of KPIs to measure success in an ambidextrous approach, e.g. using a balanced scorecard. This includes a fixed cadence for checking the KPIs, for learning loops and for initiating measures or target changes.


Je nach Organisation kann es hilfreich sein den Innovationsprozess zu operationalisieren, z.B. durch einen Innovationsfunnel, durch eine Experiment-Datenbank oder KI-gestützte Prozesse und Szenarienbildung .


Strategically anchor trade-off guardrails:
The organization needs good guidance on the desired trade-off between exploit and explore. This must be strategically positioned but defined so specifically that it serves as a decision-making aid.

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